Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"When a home is ruled according to God's Word,
angels might be asked to stay with us,
and they would not find themselves out of their element."
~Charles Spurgeon

Monday, August 4, 2008

A Little Child Shall Lead Them...

The following excerpt is taken from the book, "Created to be His Help Meet". Although it is written to wives, there is a flip side to this coin that addresses husbands. Both wives and husbands are commanded of God to love each other. This love is the basis of any happy family. Without true biblical love, every other effort in raising our children is undermined. Loving our spouse is not contingent upon their performance, but rather our obedience to Christ and His word. The fruits of the Spirit; love, joy, happiness, gentleness, meekness... always begin with our spouse. If we cultivate them there, they will be rooted within.
The enemy of our soul knows this and will do all he can to get a wedge in between this most sacred union. We must die to self and fight this foe to the bitter end. Eternity is worth it and the spiritual health of our children depends upon it.

Let the Little Children Lead Them Written By Debbie Pearl

"The most important thing a mother will do for her children is to create an atmosphere of peace and joy by deeply loving their Daddy and being satisfied with life. Several years ago, my husband did a Family Life seminar for homeschooling families at a large, very conservative church. The people were given age-appropriate questionnaires before we got there. Each homeschooled child (from every child who could write, up to single adults still living at home) was asked two questions:

  1. Is your home happy?

  2. What one thing would you like to see changed in your home that would make you a happier person?

We were not expecting profound answers. We thought the children would say that they wanted name-brand clothes, or more freedom, or maybe more access to video games. We hoped we would get a few serious answers, like some kids saying they wanted to spend more time with their parents or they wanted to be trusted. Their responses shocked and saddened us.

Out of about 75 responses, only two or three kids considered their home happy. Nearly all 75 answers of the second question were basically the same. Ten-year-olds (who could barely spell) to single college-age adults had the same hopes and anguishes. They all said something to the effect of, "I wish Mama and Daddy would love each other." The younger kids wrote answers like these: "Our home would be happier if Mama and Daddy would not fight," "I would make my Mama and Daddy like each other," "we would have a happy home if Mama would not talk bad about Daddy" and " I wish Mama would not talk back and make Daddy get all mad and yell." The older ones wrote along these lines, "our house would be more peaceful if Mom would not walk around with this frozen bitterness. I feel as if we live in a war zone."

How do you love your children? Let these 75 homeschooled kids lead you to this important truth: Love their Daddy. Honor their Daddy. Obey their Daddy. Forgive their Daddy."

Saturday, August 2, 2008

"Behold, I Stand at the Door and Knock!"

When I was a little girl, a neighbor lady often had me and my little brother over to teach us a Bible lesson. She used all sorts of interesting manipulatives to try and explain the Bible and it's teahings to us. I remember her taking two toy cars and drawing a very large road and a very small road on some paper, and driving them around. All of it went right over my head. I enjoyed my time there and the cookies she often shared, but I didn't understand anything she was trying to teach me.
One day she presented us with the picture of Jesus knocking at a door. I was instantly taken in by its beauty and the sweet man called Jesus. She told us how he was knocking at the door, but no one was opening it for him. I felt so sorry for him and a very deep deep longing stirred inside my young heart and I thought, "if I were there, I would let him in." Oh how I wished I could be there with that sweet man in the picture. Somehow I knew deep in the dark corners of my heart, that he would make everything alright.

Unfortunately, at the time, I never got the message that I COULD let him in; that he was knocking at my heart's door. I spent too many years not knowing. But thank God, later in life, someone told me the truth about Jesus and how he can come to live in my heart. I opened the door one day, and my life has been so blessed ever since!!!

If you have never heard how you can open your heart to Jesus, I welcome you to read more. Click on "Is Jesus Knocking at Your Door" and begin a BEAUTIFUL, WONDERFUL, BRAND NEW life in Him!!!